


Our VIP Program Benefits Include~

  • $2 off per unit of Botox & Dysport

  • $100 off Dermal Fillers & Sculptra

  • Laser Services, such as Laser Hair Removal & BBL/IPL (exludes Moxi)

  • 10% off Skin Pen

  • 10% off Emsculpt packages of 6

  • 10% off of Retail products, Alastin, Avene, Epionce, Latisse, Mineral Air, Revision and Upneeq




  • Neurotoxins smooth and soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by restricting the muscles ability to move and create expression lines. Common areas to treat are forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, vertical lip lines, gummy smiles, bunny lines, and dimples in the chin.

  • Dermal fillers are made of a naturally occurring substance found in our bodies called Hyaluronic Acid (HA). They help to keep skin plump and hydrated with results lasting anywhere from 6 to 24 months. A great benefit of using dermal fillers is the ability to dissolve them if needed. Dermal fillers can help with restoring lost facial volume, enhancing lips, softening lines and wrinkles, and defining bone structure such as the cheek and jawline.

    We carry a wide range of filler brands such as Juvederm, Restylane, and Revanesse. Determining the brand depends entirely on the client and their needs. We are happy to work with you to decide which one is right for you!

  • Sculptra® Aesthetic has the ability to restore facial volume and smooth lines. Made from Poly-L-lactic acid, Sculptra stimulates your body’s own natural collagen creation to create desired results.

  • Say good bye to the “double chin,” thanks to Kybella®. This enzyme decreases the appearance of moderate to severe fat under the chin by dissolving fat cells. Desired results may take more than one treatment and can take up to 8 weeks to see final result.

  • PRP is done by drawing your own blood to retrieve the plasma within. PRP has the power to stimulate collagen to smooth lines, restore volume, and give an overall more youthful appearance. This treatment can be administered with injections or microneedling.



  • Minimize surface pigmentation, uneven skin tone, and soften the appearance of lines and wrinkles with this resurfacing laser treatment. This procedure is most commonly performed on the face, neck, chest, and hands. There is minimal downtime afterwards, however the results are dramatic!

  • IPL laser treatments are designed to reduce surface hyperpigmentation, red vascular leisions (such as broken capillaries), and acne causing bacteria. There is no downtime following this treatment and is great to do in the winter months.

  • Laser hair removal can be performed in areas with dark visible hair follicles. There is no downtime with this treatment.

  • BBL (BroadBand Light) is the best IPL device available in the world, BBL HERO also has the only in-motion technology allowing for us to QUICKLY treat large areas (any area) on the body - evenly & effectively! Forever Young BBL is the only device that has been shown to change the expression of genes associated with aging!

  • Moxi comfortably delivers non-ablative laser energy to revitalize your skin by correcting the initial signs of sun damage and aging, no matter the season or your skin type. You’ll love the fact that this lunchtime procedure can fit into your active lifestyle any time of year.


Body Contouring

  • Emsculpt Neo is a game-changing, non-surgical body contouring treatment that has shown in multiple clinical studies the ability to build 25% more muscle and reduce fat by 30%, on average, in as little as 4 - 30 minute treatment sessions. You can sculpt your abdomen, arms, buttocks, quads, inner and outer thighs, hamstrings and calves.


Skin Treatments

  • Experience the ultimate facial with Hydrafacial! This unique treatment utilizes a microdermabrasion tip to exfoliate the top layer of dead skin while simultaneously infusing powerful serums deep within.

  • SkinPen is the first FDA-approved microneedling device that creates micro-channels in the top layer of skin to promote collagen production. This is ideal for those looking to reduce scarring, minimize fine lines, and promote healthy skin. This treatment is best in a series, however can be done as an individual procedure.

  • Exfoliate the top layer of dead skin with microdermabrasion. This treatment is beneficial for promoting a healthy appearance to the skin.

  • Chemical Peels are ideal for those looking to reduce hyperpigmentation, even skin tone, and promote collagen production. Following a chemical peel, peeling will occur for several days.

  • Dermaplaining removes vellus hair (peach fuzz) and dead skin, leaving your face with a fresh glow.


Skincare Products

  • This premier medical-grade skincare line offers powerful and effective pharmaceutical ingredients that produce amazing results! Safe for all skin types and skin conditions!

  • A physician strength skincare line rooted in botanical based ingredients. Shop Epionce with our online store HERE.

  • Award-Winning Anti-Aging Skincare Products for Healthier, More Youthful-Looking Skin. Shop by clicking HERE

 Schedule a complimentary consultation




Chemical Peel Pre-Treatment Instructions

Do Not use Accutane 6 months before a chemical peel, during the treatment, and six months post peel.

Prior or use of Retin-A may increase sensitivity to the acids and intensify the treatment. Stop the use of Retinoids, Tazorac, and/ or Vitamin A topicals two weeks before treatments.

Advise your Aesthetician if you have an allergy to aspirin, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, or Resorcinol.

Clients with a history of keloids or abnormal scarring should not be treated.

Men should shave before the peel and not again until the peeling is complete.

Waxing, depilatories, or laser two weeks before the peel and two weeks after the peel.

Discuss any prescription medications you may be on with your Aesthetician before treatment

Chemical Peel Post-Treatment Instructions

Do Not pick or pull any flaking skin.

Do Not tan or use a tanning both for at least 2 weeks post peel.

Do Not have electrolysis, waxing, threading or any other form of hair removal for 7 days post treatment.

Do Not use facial scrubs or mechanical forms of exfoliation for 2 weeks post peel. 

Do Not use retinoic acid, AHA or BHA for 2 weeks post peel.

Do Not have laser hair removal, photofacial (IPL or BBL, Chemical Peels or microdermabrasion) for 2 weeks post peel.

NeuroToxin(Botox/Dysport)Post-Treatment Instructions

Facial exercises in the injected areas are recommended for 1 hour following your treatment to stimulate the binding of the toxin to the nerve ending.  Most of us do this using our natural expressions, but you can raise your eyebrows and frown or squint for example.    

You will start to notice changes in 2-7 days but, it can take up to 14 days for full effect, so be patient!  If any adjustments are needed, 2 weeks post treatment is optimal.  

Avoid manipulating the areas of injection for a minimum of 4 hours after treatment.  This means, no facials or massages, or going to the chiropractor after.  Makeup can be applied but always be gentle and rub away from the eye area.  Avoid applying Retin-A, Glycolic acid and Vitamin C for 24 hours.

Avoid high heat exposure for 24 hours, such as high intensity exercise, tanning beds, saunas, hot tubs, or being out in the hot sun.  Sweating can cause the neurotoxin to spread to muscles that are not intended, which could cause undesirable effects. 

Dermal Filler Pre-Treatment Instructions

Discontinue blood thinning medications; Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Fish Oil, etc. 3-5 days prior to injection services, to minimize bruising. Also, refrain from said medications for 3-5 days post treatment, to minimize prolonged brusing. 

Avoid alcohol 48 hours prior to injection services to minimize the risk for bruising.

If prone to cold sores and treating lips or around the mouth, prophylactically treat with antiviral medication; Valtrex, Acyclovir, etc., prior to treatment and continue post treatment, until no signs of cold sore development appears or until cold sore resolves.

Postpone treatment until active skin irritation in the area of treatment resolves; rash, cold sore, eczema/psoriasis.

Avoid dental work, even a simple cleaning, two weeks pre and post treatment. 

Avoid vaccines one month pre and post treatment. 

Dermal Filler Post-Treatment Instructions

1.     Apply an ice pack or cold compress to the injection area after treatment to help reduce swelling and bruising.  

2.     Do NOT press, rub or manipulate the treated areas after your treatment.

3.     Sleep on your back for the first 2 nights.  Dermal filler is moldable up to 48 hours, so sleeping on your side could cause an uneven appearance.  

4.     Avoid vigorous exercise, sun, and/or heat exposure until redness and swelling have subsided.  If your sore, swollen or bruised, heat exposure can make these things worse.  

5.     One side may heal faster than the other side. This is normal.

6.     If planning to have other facial treatments including facials, Hydrafacials, lasers, SkinPen or microdermabrasion you should wait at least 2 weeks after your treatment.

7.     It is normal to feel “firmness” or “lumpiness” in your injection area for the first few weeks. Over time, the areas will soften, leaving you a soft, natural looking result.  If there are concerns after 2 weeks please schedule a follow up with your provider.  

Sculptra Post-Treatment Instructions

Please review and follow the aftercare tips and points provided by your aesthetic provider.

Tips to Follow after your Sculptra Injection:

  • Massage the treated area for 5 minutes, 5 times per day for 5 days after treatment, according to your aesthetic provider's instructions.

  • Within the first few hours after your treatment, apply an ice pack or ice wrapped in a cloth (avoid putting ice directly on your skin) to the treatment area to help reduce swelling.

  • You may apply makeup a few hours after your Sculptra treatment if no complications are present.

  • Avoid sun and UV sunlamp exposure until swelling and redness have disappeared.

Aftercare Points to Remember:

A few days after treatment, you may look as you did before treatment.

  • This is normal and temporary

  • Sculptra works to gradually replace lost collagen

Visible results appear within the first few treatment sessions.

For best results, it is recommended you follow the full treatment plan discussed with your specialist, which may include additional treatment sessions.

For more information you can visit 

Moxi Pre-Treatment Instructions

Do not use Retinol, Retin A, Tretinoin, or glycolic acid products five days before your treatment.

Moxi Post-Treatment Instructions

These pre & post care instructions are intended to guide you through the treatment process and get you on your way to gorgeous!

After Your Treatment:


Cleanse the skin two times a day with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser, beginning the morning after the treatment. Use your hands and gentle patting motions. DO NOT rub, scrub, use an exfoliant or skin care brush such as a Clarisonic on the treated area.


Moisturizer should be applied generously with clean hands over treated area and reapplied whenever your skin feels dry. DO NOT apply any other products that were not instructed by your doctor - eg. essential oils, coconut oil, etc.


Sunscreen is a MUST and should be used daily beginning the day after treatment and used consistently for up to 3 months post procedure. Use a physical sunscreen with Broadband UVA and UVB protection and a SPF of 30. Ensure to reapply during sun exposure.


For general post-treatment discomfort, an over-the-counter oral pain reliever, i.e. Extra Strength Tylenol might be prescribed by your doctor. If an anti-viral was prescribed, continue to take as directed. Avoid scratching and itching, as scarring and pigmentation complications can occur. Itching can be relieved by oral Benadryl, but can cause drowsiness.

Tips & Tricks:

  • Use soft cloth and soft towels to avoid scrubbing

  • Make-up can typically be worn once the peeling process is complete

  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat or protective clothing for 2 months post treatment to avoid blistering, scarring, hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation

  • When showering, avoid getting shampoo directly on the treated area

  • Avoid strenuous exercise and sweating until after skin has healed

What to Expect & What You Should Do:

Feeling of Warmth

What to Expect: The treated area may be extremely warm for 1-2 hours after the treatment. Warmth may continue for 12-24 hours after the treatment.

What to Do: Cold compresses may provide comfort during this time. Also, a mineral water spray might provide some relief and much needed moisture to the skin.

Redness (Erythema)

What to Expect: Redness is normal and expected. Redness generally increases in intensity for the first few days after treatment with day 3 usually being the most intense. Redness can persist for up to 7 days depending on the intensity of treatment.

What to Do: Use gentle cleansers and keep your skin moisturized and out of the sun, which will allow your skin time to heal and limit further stress on your skin.


What to Expect: MENDs (microscopic epidermal necrotic debris) will appear on the 2nd or 3rd day after treatment as tiny dark spots and bronzed appearance to the treated skin.

What to Do: MENDs are part of the healing process where treated tissue is working its way out of your body as new fresh skin is regenerated. During this time, your skin will be very dry and feel like sandpaper before flaking and peeling off. Keep your skin well moisturized to support the healing process. Do not pick at your skin.

Swelling (Edema)

What to Expect: Swelling is common and expected immediately after treatment.

What to Do: Use of a cold compress will help to relieve the swelling. To avoid further swelling, you may chooses to sleep in an upright position the first 2-3 nights after treatment. The first morning post treatment is when swelling is more prevalent, especially under the eyes. Swelling may last 2-4 days.

BBL Pre-Treatment Instructions

Protecting the skin from the sun for four weeks before photorejuvenation and four weeks after treatment is important. This is best accomplished by using a daily SPF of 30 or higher daily (preferably containing titanium and zinc oxide) and a hat worn during times of greater exposure to the sun's rays. Any tan or "color" from the sun can affect your treatment. 

Artificial tanners must be stopped three weeks before your treatment. 

Discontinue aspirin for ten days before an IPL treatment. Discontinue ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and Vitamin E capsules 5 days prior to your procedure. Using aspirin or ibuprofen during the week before treatment may lead to increased redness or bruising and failure for redness and capillaries to resolve with treatment. 

Do not use Retinol, Retin A, Tretinoin, or glycolic acid products five days before your treatment.

BBL Post-Treatment Instructions


Cleanse the skin two times a day with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser. Use your hands and fingertips to cleanse using gentle patting motions. DO NOT rub, scrub, use an exfoliant soap or skin care brush, e.g. Clarisonic in the treated area.


Moisturizer should be applied generously with clean hands over treated area and reapplied whenever your skin feels dry.


Sunscreen is a MUST and should be used daily beginning the day of treatment and used consistently. Use sunscreen with Broadband UVA and UVB protection and a SPF of at least 30. Ensure to reapply during sun exposure. DO NOT expose your skin to direct sun exposure for 14 days. The treated area is more prone to sunburn and pigmentation change.


  • Use soft wash cloth and towels to avoid any scrubbing.

  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat or sun protecting clothing post treatment to avoid blistering, scarring, hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise and sweating until after skin has healed.

What to expect after the treatment:

  • You may experience some redness in the treatment area that should resolve within a few hours.

  • You may notice darkening of your pigmented spots, followed by fading and flaking off at a later stage.

  • Follow your clinician’s aftercare plan until skin is completely healed – typically one week after the treatment. The skin on your body might take longer to heal, compared to your face.

There is virtually no downtime after this non-invasive and gentle procedure. In most cases, you are able to apply make-up, return to work and resume most of your activities immediately.

The treated area must be treated with care. BE GENTLE! Do not scratch or pick at your skin

  • Until sensitivity has completely subsided, avoid all of the following:Use of scented lotions or soaps, exfoliant creams (Retin-A, glycolic/salicylic and alpha- hydroxy acids), acne creams or gels, loofa sponges and aggressive scrubbing

    • Hot or cold water - wash with tepid water 

    • Shaving 

    • Swimming pools and spas with multiple chemicals/chlorine 

    • Activities that cause excessive perspiration  

  • A cold compress or an ice pack can be used to provide comfort if the treated area is especially warm.  This is typically only needed within the first 12 hours after the treatment. 

  • Skin may be appear red and swollen and have a mild sunburn sensation. This is a normal reaction. It can last from a few hours to days after treatment. Applying an ice pack for the first 24 hours will help minimize swelling. 

  • Vitamin E or Aloe Vera applied to the treatment area may provide a soothing effect. Post treatment discomfort is typically minimal but if the area is very uncomfortable, oral pain relievers; i.e. Extra Strength Tylenol or Advil, may be used.  

  • Freckles and sunspots may turn slightly darker initially and then flake off within 7-14 days. This is a desired and normal reaction. 

  • There may be erythema (redness) and slight edema (swelling) around the treated vessels. Often they are lighter in appearance and look somewhat smudgy or less defined.

  • Makeup may be applied immediately after the treatment as long as skin integrity has not been compromised.

  • In the unusual case of crusting of the skin in the treated area, apply an antibiotic ointment twice a day to the affected areas. Do not pick at these areas, as this may result in infection or scarring. 

  • If the skin is broken or a blister appears, apply an antibiotic ointment and contact the office immediately. Keep the affected area moist and avoid direct sunlight.  

  • Strictly avoid any sun exposure to the treated area for a minimum of 7 - 14 days after the procedure. The treated area is more prone to sunburn and pigmentation change. Keep the area covered and use a sun block with a protection factor of 30+, and reapply every 2 hours. Delayed blistering secondary to sun exposure has been noted up to 72 hours post treatment.

  • If in the middle of a series of Phototherapy treatments, sun exposure should be avoided between treatments and a sunblock should be used on a daily basis.

  • Avoid selfless tanners for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment.

Subsequent treatments are based upon your clinician’s recommendation and are typically 4-6 weeks apart.

The natural extrinsic consequences of aging on skin include sun damage, freckles, age spots, and redness caused by broken capillaries and rosacea. Some skin defect consequences may arise from intrinsic hormonal factors that create an over production of melanin as in melasma or hereditary factors that produce more vessels. Phototherapy involves the reduction of these signs of aging and skin defects using non-invasive pulses of BroadBand Light (BBL).  

If brown spots are the target, BBL penetrates the skin to reach the melanocytes. The particles of the cells left behind will peel or slough off within 7-14 days.

If redness is the target, blood vessels in the deeper layers of the skin absorb the light and the heat created by the light damages the vessels. The vessels are shut down and the body continues to absorb the destroyed vessel remnants.